The hidden art in pi

By Data Tricks, 27 June 2019

A series of visualisations created using the ggplot2 package in R and the first million digits of pi.

In this visualisation, each digit of pi was converted to a direction (eg. 0=north, 1=north west, etc.). A line path was then drawn using the directions, with the path reset to coordinates (0, 0) every thousandth digit. An extra two lines per thousand digits was added as ‘jitter’.
In this image, each digit of pi was again converted to a direction but with a narrow range of just 1°. The first thousand digits were used to create the path of the ribbon; the first million digits were used to create the feathers emanating from the ribbon’s path.
A variation of the previous visualisation, the number of steps and angles were modified to create another feathered ribbon effect.
Yet another variation on the feathered ribbon effect, this visualisation utilises a more uniform distribution of angles and path direction.

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